Monday, June 16, 2014

Prague: the Final Edition

Day 4:
On our last day in Prague, we visited the largest castle in the world, Prague Castle as well as a few other sites. This post is basically a collection of pictures I haven't posted yet. Also, a video of the astronomical clock ringing the hour:

One last time over the bridge

Tourist market

Ugh. Even here.

Eve and Adam towers on the Týn Church

Figures on the tower at the base of the Charles Bridge
St. Nicholas Church in Old Town Square


Random building

View of castle from down below

I like doors

Hostel Santini

One of the Castle buildings

Entrance to the castle

Lukas likes fountains

Buff fountain statue

St. Vitus Cathedral

Cathedral from the side


Rose window

Lovely stained glass

St. Vitus clock tower

Full view

Mosaic on the side


Another church used as a museum

St. Vitus from the front

Flying Butresses

Courtyard where I stopped to rest

St. Vitus from afar

At the Royal Gardens

Inside the St. Nicholas Church

Ceiling of St. Nick's

Nice chandelier

Bubble blower


People responsible for keeping Prague squeaky clean

Barcode baby

Sbohem, Prague

Leaving on a jetplane train

So cool


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