Monday, June 16, 2014

Prague: Day 3

It being Sunday, I found an English mass at a nearby church, St. Thomas’. The service was held by a Czech priest and ended with a procession. To symbolize Jesus returning to heaven on the Ascension, we processed through the church grounds with a statue of Jesus and placed it out of sight in a room behind heavy wooden doors. “Why are you still here? Go spread the word of the Lord,” was the closing message of the priest.
Church from the outside

St. Thomas

The most beautiful church in which I've ever attended mass



After church, Lukas and I grabbed a tram to the Divoká Sárka, a large natural reserve within the city limits. It's named after badass warrior Sárka, who killed herself by jumping off one of the cliffs. The park was beautiful and uncrowded, and we quickly climbed to the top of the first bluff. 
Gorgeous weather

The cliff I climbed down


Park sign


Lukas being lazy

Sarka gorge
 The view was phenomenal, but it went downhill from there. I decided to climb down the cliff, which was fairly simple. The only problem was that Lukas didn’t follow, so I had to climb back up to fetch him. Having lost the trail I used to climb down, I scrambled through stinging nettles and blackberry brambles most of the way up. We walked around some more after climbing down the cliff together, ended up getting a little lost, but enjoyed the afternoon away from the tourist-crowded city center.
Scratched and stung legs. Ouch


Some people having a picnic

Lost :(

Found again

Later that evening, I found a deer moat behind the castle and the Lennon Wall.

Tunnel in the deer moat


Castle watch tower

Tiny door (I love them)


Deer moat

Statue open to interpretation (wind god???)

Kids playing on the grass

Prague castle

The German embassy

View of Prague
 The Lennon wall started as a place where Czechs would paint graffiti against the communist government in the 1980s. It now is covered with Lennon-inspired messages of love and peace

John Lennon on the Lennon Wall

We live in a world where we have to hide to make love,
while the violence is practiced in broad daylight

Life is better when you're laughing

Entire wall with mirror heart at center

John and Yoko

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you climbed down the cliff rather than jump like the heroine :))
    Heroic effort though to climb back up - legs look they really hurt.
