Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Arriving in Croatia

On Saturday evening, I caught an overnight bus to Split. The ride was infinitely more comfortable than my last night bus, seeing as we were driving on paved roads the entire way. Everything went smoothly until we stopped at the Croatian border at around 5 in the morning. I was still sleeping when the guy behind me shook me awake to an unhappy border control officer standing over me. Being the only non-European on the bus, he took my passport to go stamp it, and before I had it back in hand, the bus started moving again. Cue panic on my part. I started up the aisle, but everything ended up fine since they had given it to one of the drivers before they left.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, other than my awe at the beautiful land and seascape of Croatia. I arrived in Split and found Tea without trouble. After getting settled in, eating, and meeting her parents, we all drove to Trogir, on the other side of the bay from Split.

Yeah! Hrvatska (Croatia in Croatian)!

Mill house at a small nature preserve

water canals

Happy flowers


Old castle converted into apartments


Clock tower
Carved entrance to the church, flanked by a naked Adam and Eve

Corn carvings, predating discovery of the new world

Mass inside the church

Stripey guy, Tea's mom and dad, and Tea


Lovely ocean

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