Tuesday, June 10, 2014

PRAGUE continued

Day 2:

On the second day, we traveled to Kutna Hora, a small city about an hour's train ride outside of Prague. Kutna Hora was famous for its silver mines and thus housed the mint, becoming the financial capital of Bohemia. Now that the silver's dried up, it is a popular tourist spot and is home to the Philip Morris cigarette factory.

Happy siblings

Jubilee Synagogue on the way to the train station

Arrival at Kutna Hora


Unfortunate logo for Czech sausages
 We first went to the Ossuary, which used to be a cemetery. At some point it got so full that they dug up all the dead people and had an old, blind monk arrange them into 6 pyramids inside the church. Years later, an artist used 2 of the pyramids to decorate the church. In my opinion, it's a bit disrespectful to the dead, but it looks interesting.
The Ossuary from the outside
 Lots of bone pictures ahead!!!

At the entrance


One of the pyramids

Who wouldn't want a skeleton chandelier in their church?

The crest of the family that owned the place and commissioned the creepy decor
St. Barbara's cathedral was the second destination. It was built by the rich citizens of Kutna Hora as a display of autonomy. Planned to be twice as long as it is, funding for the church dried up with the silver supply.

St. Barbara's

Flying buttresses

Crooked church possibly due to silver mines underneath

Street fair

St. Barb's altar

Star ceiling with crests of families that funded the church

Ceiling and organ

Beautiful windows

Miner. They would stay in the mines for 6 days, come up Saturday evening to drink away their wages, and go to church on Sunday to pray that they would survive another week before heading back down into the mines.

View from the balcony

Manly Lukas

House of a guy who illegally mined silver in his basement

Date on a well. The second numeral is a 4, or half an 8.

Plague column to keep away the pestilence

St. Barb's from across the way

I like doors

That evening, we went on a beer tour. 4 different bars, 4 different beers. 'Twas quite delicious.

Numero uno
The second bar, home of Pilsner Urquell, the original Pilsner


Interesting decor

Last bar, Propaganda Vodka Bar, walls covered with Communist propaganda
Only slightly intoxicated, we wandered back to the hostel.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome some really cool (bones for chandelier) and funny pictures. How'd you get Lukas into the communist propaganda theme bar? Must have been the adult refreshments. I'm sure the propaganda was creepy.
