Thursday, December 22, 2011


Yesterday was the best day I’ve had back home yet. At work, instead of having to sit the whole day and do secretary work, my dad gave me a project to do. I get to redesign a can crusher demonstration. I have to design the setup with a power supply, huge capacitor, switches, the coil used for crushing, and a protector for the coil in case anything goes wrong. So far, I haven’t done all that much, except take measurements and do calculations, but tomorrow, I think I will ask the technicians to cut holes in the cart I’m using for the setup, since I just finished drawing up my plans.
After job one, I lifted weights, which left me sore today, and then went to job two. I got to put together several office chairs, and left early since there was very little going on. Then I went to the movies!!! The second Sherlock Holmes movie is definitely better than the first one. It was both hilarious and suspenseful. Other than that, I still have to sew three pair of pajama pants by Christmas time, which is most likely not going to happen.

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