Monday, December 19, 2011

Risky Business

I really didn't get anything done this weekend. No visa applied for, no pajama pants sewn, no bread baked, no room cleaned. Oh well.
I did however, get to sing with the choir again, on Saturday for Christmas eve practice, and on Sunday for mass. And then there were two Christmas parties that I went to, or rather rode my bike to.
In all, about 16 miles in a very bike-unfriendly city. Not the smartest idea. I'm not one to back down from a challenge, though, and after I mentioned it to one of my friends, I felt obligated to do it.
The ride really wasn't that bad, after I turned and rode with the wind, and the traffic was fairly light. The worst part was showing up wind-tousled and sweaty in my long spandex and oversized hoody.
After I changed, I really enjoyed myself. It was good to be back among people who I had known for years, celebrating the holidays, and eating way too much.

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