Thursday, December 22, 2011


Yesterday was the best day I’ve had back home yet. At work, instead of having to sit the whole day and do secretary work, my dad gave me a project to do. I get to redesign a can crusher demonstration. I have to design the setup with a power supply, huge capacitor, switches, the coil used for crushing, and a protector for the coil in case anything goes wrong. So far, I haven’t done all that much, except take measurements and do calculations, but tomorrow, I think I will ask the technicians to cut holes in the cart I’m using for the setup, since I just finished drawing up my plans.
After job one, I lifted weights, which left me sore today, and then went to job two. I got to put together several office chairs, and left early since there was very little going on. Then I went to the movies!!! The second Sherlock Holmes movie is definitely better than the first one. It was both hilarious and suspenseful. Other than that, I still have to sew three pair of pajama pants by Christmas time, which is most likely not going to happen.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Risky Business

I really didn't get anything done this weekend. No visa applied for, no pajama pants sewn, no bread baked, no room cleaned. Oh well.
I did however, get to sing with the choir again, on Saturday for Christmas eve practice, and on Sunday for mass. And then there were two Christmas parties that I went to, or rather rode my bike to.
In all, about 16 miles in a very bike-unfriendly city. Not the smartest idea. I'm not one to back down from a challenge, though, and after I mentioned it to one of my friends, I felt obligated to do it.
The ride really wasn't that bad, after I turned and rode with the wind, and the traffic was fairly light. The worst part was showing up wind-tousled and sweaty in my long spandex and oversized hoody.
After I changed, I really enjoyed myself. It was good to be back among people who I had known for years, celebrating the holidays, and eating way too much.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Random Saturday

This morning, I went to choir practice for the first time since I got back, and was glad to hear that we're singing Handel's Halleluia Chorus on Christmas Eve.´I was pleased to notice that reaching the high notes was a lot easier than the last time I sang it, so I really belted it out there. And then I had to leave early to go to work. :(

Today is also my dad's 47th birthday. 
We're having a feast.
In Austin, we bought rabbits at Fiesta, and since we are eating turkey on Christmas, my mom decided to make them today, along with dumplings, kohlrabi, spaghetti squash, gravy, cranberry sauce, and cake.
A bit overkill if you ask me, but I can't say my dad doesn't deserve it.
So in about 30 minutes I'm going to go stuff my face, and it shall be glorious!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nummer eins

So... Yesterday I drove the entire 6.5 hours home, and then unpacked my college life to try to fit it into the confines of my old room. Let's just say it's a work in progress. I'll make it more livable sometime this weekend, I do have to stay here for an entire two months after all.
For now though, I have to start working. As a replacement secretary in the mornings, and at the Mathnasium in the afternoons. Oh, and I also have to find time to work out. I already ran 7 miles this morning, and will lift weights right before going to my second job.
This doesn't seem like a vacation at all so far.
It was good to see the family again though, and this way I'll have plenty of cash to spend during my sojourn in South Korea.
On a more festive note,
Christmas music!!!

Mmm. I really should satisfy that chestnut craving I've been having for almost a month now.