Monday, February 27, 2012

Last day in Seoul

Sunday morning, I went to the English mass at the Myeongdong Cathedral and finally got some pictures of the inside. The priest was an old white man with a faint Irish accent, and every single song that was sung, I was already familiar with.

The altar

The organ, and people streaming into church for the next mass
I then went to the Children's Grad Park, a huge space with a zoo, amusement park, water park, culture center, and theater. My favorite part was the greenhouse. I can't wait for spring to make everything green again. Next to the park, there was a winter play area where snow had been piled up to form a hill. Dozens of children were sledding down it and playing around in the snow. I didn't manage to get any pictures of it though. :(

Stairs to the park after getting off the subway

Sink and soap dispenser in the public restroom

The magpie was gathering loose fur for its nest

Potted flowers in the greenhouse

These remind me of Easter and lilies

There was also a small "potted plant garden" full of bonsai trees

Buds ready to burst into bloom

Rock man lifting a big yellow rock

Traditionally made wall

Model of a traditional Korean farmer's house

Two sad, dirty polar bears

This little guy kept picking fights with the other sea lions

I walked around for a good long while, and then meandered through the surrounding neighborhood for a bit. There was a large sign for an art museum that I thought I'd check out, but when I got there it looked as if it had been long empty. There were, however, a large number of mismatched statues lining the road and what looked like an old go-cart track.

Gas prices for liters. 1,000 won is approx. 1 dollar

There were taxis parked throughout the sculpture garden

A proud lion guarding the entrance to the hodge podge collection

Along the road

Happy Buddha
A dinosaur, nude lady, saint, foo dog, dragon, and others
I then headed back to Myeongdong for a delicious meal of dolsot bibimbap, mixed rice in a hot stone bowl. The outer layer of rice gets cooked nice and crispy this way.

Banchan from left to right, back to front: kimchi, fish cake, dried fishies,
stewed bok choy?, kongjaban(black beans), and pickled radish with seaweed

All mixed up. The soup is to pour in the bowl when you're done
 to soften any rice stuck to the sides so you can eat it
Then it was back to the hotel to repack for the trip to Suwon and the Sungkyunkwan Natural Sciences campus.

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