Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friendship Fair and Children's Day

Today was Children's Day in Korea. May 5th, all children would have had no school and their parents would have had no work had it been a weekday. In 1922, several Koreans, including some guy named Bang Jeon Hwan decided that the nation's children were important enough to warrant their own national holiday and ever since, armies of riotous children have been released one day early in May to wreak havoc on parks and the nerves of their parents. I wound up going with SAPA to the Seoul Forest to take stalker photos of small children. They were so cute!!!
In a car statue

In a stream

My favorite picture

I wanted to go on this awesome slide, but the line was too long


Giant cage sculpture playground

Fun times

Koreans like dressing the same

A cute couple


Daddy and the kids

Yummy ice cream

A bunch of bird totems


This kid was screaming his head off and kept coming back for more

Awesome water fountain


Clothes hung up to dry

I then headed with Samantha to the Seoul Friendship Fair, an annual event in its seventeenth year. Around forty countries were represented at the Seoul Plaza. Each had a booth selling goods from that country. We walked around for a while, browsing and looking for the food I had read about on the internet.
Wearing hanbok

Traditional military dress

Seoul plaza with all the booths selling goods

pots from Africa?

There were some performances going on as well

Chocolate from Kazakhstan

A Mongolian lady and Samantha

Korean ladies wearing hanbok

A closeup

Devil coconut monkey
A mask from Africa

Dead alligator

German Christmas ornaments

Eventually, we found the jackpot!!! There were so many different foods to try, and I ended up spending quite a bit of money on delicacies and stuffing my stomach full to bursting. Everything was delicious, and they even had German beer! Some other things we tried were Turkish ice cream, fried bananas, tandoori chicken, coconut cookies, two different types of bread, tacos, and we would have gotten crepes but the line was too long.
Making dumpling from somewhere in South America


Eating the dumplings...

Ein Krombacher Bier und zwei Bratwurst bitte...

Italian sausage

Cute Italian dude

Italian arancine, my second favorite after the Bratwurst

Love <3

A sea of coins for some charity

They also had other miscellaneous stands. We got our blood pressure taken and would have gotten to try acupuncture had they not run out of supplies.
We ended up next to the Cheonggyecheon, a stream that had been polluted, filled with concrete, and finally made into a gorgeous place to go for a walk. There are art exhibitions every couple of hundred meters that are changed up on a regular basis. It's also a great place for couples. At one point, we counted over fifty in under five minutes!
Hey there little guy, want some candy? :P

The place was decorated with balloons

And brightly colored plastic shapes

Giant tree made of wood scraps

Suspended on the tree where hundreds of little plants in burlap sacks

A styrofoam die

Making bubbles

Some lady was taking her bird for a walk

Happy faces

So beautiful and green

Crossing the stream

Another fountain
It was quite a glorious day, and tomorrow I'm going to the beach! 

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