Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

Sorry about the long last post... But that wasn’t the end of my weekend. There’s still Easter Sunday. I woke up early and went to church in Seoul. They were selling overpriced Easter eggs in the courtyard of the cathedral, so naturally I bought one. A few minutes later as I was walking through Namdaemun Market, I random lady accompanied by several kids walked up to me, told me it was Easter, and gave me another one. I ate them both after I got back to Suwon. The one from the church was mysteriously brown, but I had seen eggs like that before, so I ate it anyway.

From the lady on the street

Nicely wrapped and dyed

It didn't taste bad at all

The weather was gorgeous, so I went for a walk after lunch.

DBSK grafitti
Yay! Sunshine!

Random house/tower

I ended up back at the stream running through Suwon which looks much nicer now that spring is almost here. 
There were even ducks

I followed the stream for a while and ended up at a park next to a large lake. There was a fire truck and an ambulance there. I think someone may have nearly drowned. L
Fire truck

With a rescue boat on an island in the middle of the lake

Walking through the park, some foreigners were passing a soccer ball around and invited me to play. I saw no reason not to, so I did. After a while, some Korean kids joined our game. Five westerners against four Korean boys. They ended up beating us during the penalty kicks.
All the soccer players
The foreigners, most of whom were English teachers, invited me to stay, so I ate their food and attempted to communicate via whispers. We also played Uno and apples to apples, generally having a great time. When the sun started going down, I walked the mile back to campus.

Blooming flower pots
Stepping stones across the river


Just for grins. I bet you weren't expecting that...

Getting ready to plant crops

Unknown flowering tree on campus

In all, spring is pretty much here. Many trees are already blooming, though most are still bare, and the weather (at least today) is warm enough for me to wear shorts. I’m so glad winter is finally over. J

1 comment:

  1. Your tree flower might be a from a magnolia tree! These come out first in the spring just as in Aschaffenburg.

    I liked your surprise picture...
