Friday, November 14, 2014


It's been a while, but I thought maybe, just maybe, I should get the rest of the pictures from my summer trip put up. 
I got to Venice pretty late in the evening, and didn't get to see much the first day, as I was so tired from the trip. I had gotten a carshare from Florence to the Padua train station, and finished up with a half-hour train ride into the city.

Overall, I was not very impressed with Venice. It was extremely crowded, and the hostel there was the worst one I stayed at during the entire trip. My roommates were unfriendly and paired off, and the room itself was dirty and crowded.

I managed to enjoy myself anyway, and on the second day, I found pretty much the only green spot in the city.

I also got lost a ridiculous amount. If you're on the main pedestrian thoroughfares, it's not so bad. Directions to the main attractions are painted on the walls of buildings to make navigation somewhat possible. If you wander into the side streets, however, there is no way to tell where you are. Everything is closed off, and you could be walking along only to be met with a dead end when the path you are traversing goes straight into a canal. Any maps you get are either inaccurate (google maps) or not large enough to have the smaller streets marked out. Getting lost is part of the fun, though, and you eventually find your way back to a main street, whereafter getting to where you want to go is fairly simple.

Nice bridge

The theater

A lot of the city was really run down. Rocky tocky as my Opa would say.

Rialto bridge. I was there early enough that all the shops (behind the doors) were closed.

Grand Canal, with mismatched houses

A smaller side canal

St. Mark's Basilica undergoing restoration

View across the bay to San Giorgio Maggiore

The city is full of crooked towers. This is just one of many.

This is how crowded it was on the main street. Imagine that many people crammed into a space only a fourth of that size.

Entrance to the Naval Base

Sea Force One luxury yacht

Floating market!

Kayakers on the canal

Leaning tower of San Pietro di Castello

Cutest house!
The 56th International Art Exhibition, La Bienalle di Venezia, was going on while I was there. There were a lot of free exhibits, and a lot of really expensive ones. This is an exhibit for urban planning in Russia I believe. I don't remember exactly.

Shifting perspective of the changing seasons. As you walked around the room the images changed.

Innovative benches. Some where cool while in the sunshine, others warm in the shade.

Mirrored floor reflecting images on the ceiling of changing architectural styles through the decades.

Piazza San Marco. Way too many people.

Quiet side canal

Frari Basilica

Another view of St. Mark's Basilica

Construction boat!

More canal and bridges

The sun set on the land side of Venice, so I walked/ran all the way to the end of the train station to get a good view.

It would have been nicer without all the poles and wires.


Canal and boats

This house had an unusually large number of chimneys. I doubt all were functional.

City at night.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


I visited Siena one day before the annual horse race held on July 2nd. Siena is divided into 17 neighborhoods, 10 of which run in each race. In preparation for the festivities, the districts are decked in their colors, with banners and lampposts. I wandered around for hours, trying to get a picture of every district's flag with its animal mascot, but I'm pretty sure I missed a few.

View of the Duomo

The city and town hall tower at center

Palazzo Salimbeni, home to one of the oldest active banks in Italy

During its glory days, Siena rivaled Florence as the economic capital of Tuscany.
Much of its wealth was stored here.

Giraffe district

Wolf district, also the symbol of the city

Locals from each district wore the flags as scarves and bandannas to show their loyalty

Rhino district

Glass horse sculpture

Goose district

View of the church of San Domenico

They like their churches zebra-striped in Tuscany

View of the city

Let's take a selfie

Inside the baptistry of the Duomo

Beautiful ceilings

Facade of the Duomo


District seals

Starry ceiling
Inside the Duomo was the Libreria Piccolominea, which I believe is a music library. The walls and ceilings are adorned with beautiful murals, and many volumes of music books are displayed.
The ceiling


One of the music books
Flags and lanterns on the walls with tables and benches in the streets

Double-headed eagle district

Leopard district

Turtle district
Some of the districts were saddled with somewhat lame mascots, but the snail district made up for that by surpassing all the other districts with their decorations.Some of the districts were saddled with somewhat lame mascots, but the snail district made up for that by surpassing all the other districts with their decorations.
Snail District! Yeah!
Fish district with awesome lamp

The racecourse, with a tamped-down dirt track

Bleachers and restaurant tables to be cleared out by the next day

Elephant district

That rare and magical district of the unicorn

Better picture of the elephant flag

Ram district

Shell district

Owl district

Aaaand the porcupine district